+33 650 004 319

How to make a booking?

Booking a transfer is very easy task, You can book your ride in easy steps, To Book please go to our reservation page then fill the form & submit. Once you have submitted the booking form then we'll receive it & we'll process your booking and we send you a confirmation email of your booking with our prices within few minutes. that's it & Bookings are 100% free of charge.

How far in advance do I have to reserve?

We recommend you to book at least 24 hours in advance to ensure that we have enough time to process your request. Anyhow we do our best to accommodate even if any last minute requests. For all your quick reservation you can call us.

What are your charges for delayed arrivals?

Delayed arrivals such as Flight and Trains, We offer you 1 Hour Free waiting time and beyond that delay, We will charge you extra 15% of your booking price.

Do I pay for the bookings?

No, bookings are 100% free and no any hidden charges & you'll pay only your booking confirmed amount at the end of your transfer.

What if my flight or train get delayed?

If you are proceding through a confirmed reservation, Even If your Flight or Train has been delayed, We will wait for your delayed flight or Train, Up to 1 hour for free of charge.

What if I need to cancel or change my reservation?

If you need to cancel or change your reservation contact us via mail or call us before 24hours.

Where do I find you at the airport?

Once you have collected your luggages then take the exit our driver will be waiting for you at the main exit, holding your name board. In any case If you can't find our driver please contact us on: (0033) 06 66 56 57 64 or (0033) 06 67 33 32 67

What are your opening hours?

We don't have any opening hours, you may contact us any time as you wish, & we're available 24/7 for your service.

What if my train or flight changed ?

If in case of flight or train changes please inform us immidiately your new flight or train details by calling (0033) 06 66 56 57 64 or (0033) 06 67 33 32 67 or email to parisprivateshuttle.info@gmail.com

What are your vehicles likes?

We have 8 seat vans, cars & luxury vehicles. All our vehicles are air-conditioned and non-smoking.